

We’re dedicated on sharing industry-specific education and insights to help give you and your team an edge in natural, organic and wellness.

woman reading supplement bottle label

industry insights

Consumer Reports

Whether you are a large company looking to support your data, or a small business looking to inform your next move, data and insights are what drive business forward.

Consumer Reports 

Online Learning

Give your team the skills needed to feel engaged, empowered, and equipped to deliver a best-in-class customer experience at your store.



A series of webinars with experts from across the industry dedicated to providing you the tools to stay ahead – in both your business and in the industry.


Food Regulations

A collection of resources to help our members navigate and understand legislative and regulatory requirements.

  Food Fraud  Food Regulations    Front of Pack Labelling  Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy     Novel Foods    Safe Food for Canadians Regulations    Supplemented Foods 


Learn about the new guidelines for Recycled Plastics in Food Packaging and how to submit your packaging for premarket chemical safety assessment.


Organic Regulations

Find out what it means to be organic in Canada and the standards farmers and manufacturers must uphold to be certified organic.

Organic Regulations 

NHP Regulations

Health Canada must approve all NHPs before they are allowed to be legally sold in Canada. Dive into these regulations and the process to obtain an NPN (Natural Product Number).

Natural Health Product Regulations