Plant-based Foods

Plant-based Foods

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is currently looking to develop a guidance document for plant-based alternatives to dairy and egg products. The primary objective of this initiative is to establish industry-wide labelling practices that are reasonable, consistent, and uniform. The industry guidance will aim to promote transparent labelling practices to enable consumers to make informed choices. The proposed guidance will specifically focus on ensuring the appropriate application of existing legislation and regulations governing the labelling of these alternative products. We anticipate the CFIA to conduct a public consultation in the near future to gather stakeholders' input.

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Current Advocacy Efforts 

CHFA is committed to advocating for plant-based foods as Canadian consumers add more of these products to their diets. We strongly support the implementation of regulations that foster confidence among stakeholders within the food system. As an organization with members operating in the plant-based food sector, we will actively engage in future consultations and advocacy initiatives.

  • Notably, in April 2023, CHFA collaborated with national organizations representing stakeholders in the plant-based sector, submitting an industry letter to CFIA. The letter emphasized the necessity for a modernized regulatory environment in Canada to promote innovation and facilitate the growth of plant-based foods. Specifically, we emphasized the importance of a comprehensive evaluation of common names for standardized foods like milk, cheese, butter, meat or egg in the context of plant-derived food products.
  • Looking ahead, CFIA intends to launch a public consultation on plant-based alternatives to dairy and egg products. During the stakeholder feedback period, CHFA will advocate for clear and concise guidelines that accurately reflect today’s evolving food landscape, consumer demand, and knowledge of consumers. We aim to ensure that the regulatory guidelines align with the industry's dynamic nature and consumers' expectations.

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