Consumer Reports - TEST

Consumer Reports

Whether you are a larger company looking to support your data, or a small business looking to inform your next move, data and insights are what drive business forward. CHFA members have access to our industry reports to help you better understand the changing world of natural, organic and wellness in Canada.

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inflation consumer report

Inflation and Its Impact on the Canadian Shopper

Published June 2023
Report Commissioned by CHFA

We're living among record high inflation and as a result, Canadians have adapted their shopping behaviours and preferences. We commissioned a study to find out which natural, organic and wellness categories have been impacted most and the trade-offs consumers are making to stay within budget in these high-priced times.

health wellness and the canadian consumer report cover

Health, Wellness & the Canadian Consumer

Published September 2022
Report Commissioned by CHFA

From COVID to inflation, the world has shifted our relationship to health and wellness and what we’re willing to put our dollars behind. CHFA commissioned a study to discover how the past few years have shaped our views on natural, organic and wellness and the barriers to overcome for future growth.